Purpose of this Blog...

You may have noticed that not all books are equal in capturing children's imaginations and in cultivating those innocent, tender souls. My goal is to help you find the ones that do!
(Painting by Mary Cassatt: "Mrs Cassatt Reading to her Grandchildren" -1888)

Friday, May 11, 2012


Lately I've seen more and more parents on their phones checking and sending text messages when they're with their kids - at the park, at restaurants, at the library, at home...
source here
Last night I came across a blog post from Hands Free Mama, poignantly titled, "How to Miss a Childhood".  This mom enumerates the damaging ingredients for lost moments, as she offers: "All it takes is one child and one phone and this tragic recipe can be yours."

One of her tips in following this Recipe for Missed Moments?  Keep your phone turned on at all times of the day.  Allow the rings, beeps, and buzzes to interrupt your child midsentence; always let the caller take priority.

But then she recommends another recipe, "How to Grasp a Childhood". (It's very easily followed if you just put down your phone.)

One of her steps for this Recipe: Take time to be with him -- really be with him by giving your full attention...The gift of your total presence is love to your child.

I've linked to this not-to-be-missed post, here.

Happy Mother's Day and happy reading with your children. I hope you pick up a book and put down your phone!


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